Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Christmas Tail

Just to set the stage -- We live in the country surrounded by lots of fields.  Field mice are just part of life here.

Tis two weeks before Christmas and all through the house,
We’ve got critters stirring, one is a mouse.
I think one’s a mole, cause it hasn’t a tail
We’ve tried hard to trap them, but to no avail.
They run ‘cross the glue traps while singing a rap
They steal PB and cheese right out of the traps.
We’ve sent in the cats – they run back out scared.
They’re both really old and one is impaired.
Willy has but one eye and his hearing is shot.
They’re sweet, loving kitties but no mice have they caught.
These critters run out and they laugh in my face,
They scream “neener, neener” all over the place.
I’ve so much to do, but my vertigo’s back
When I move, I get dizzy and fear that I’ll yack!
So instead I just sit here, I’m stuck here at home.
I’ve nothing to do but write stupid poems.

1 comment:

Nani said...

I'm sorry the vertigo is messing with you, but I LOVE our poem!!