Thursday, August 20, 2009


I felt like my blog needed a new look. And I doooo love polka dots. So here's what I picked. Do you like it??? I need to learn more about setting up my blog. I would love to have something on the other side of the writings. . . like maybe photos of some of my quilts or a section for recipes. But as yet, I haven't been able to figure out how to do that. I'm self taught on computers, except for the instruction I got when my kids were in grade school and I went and took night courses to learn how to run . . . get ready. . . I'm dating myself. . . a Radio Shack Tandy computer. OMG, it was archaic compared to what I have now. The word processing program was Scripsit, do you remember that. But the classes were free, offered by our school district, and then I assisted in teaching the kids in school. I'll bet that by now they could teach me volumes on the computers, blogging, texting, and blackberries. I still believe that blackberries should be in ice cream or jam. So bear with me as I try to make my blog better, and bigger.


Nancy said...

I remember our first computer....the keyboard was ATTACHED to monitor...not by a wire, but actually one big was heavy and huge and crazy!!!
Like the dots...
If you want things on both sides you have to pick a template that has 3 columns. I think...

Pat said...

I, too, can remember the old computers and how large they were. Do you remember the old Atari game systems for the TV, too? I think "Pong" was one of the first games....really just a bouncing ball. What a WORLD of difference from the video games now!