Friday, December 31, 2010

Resolutions -- Bah Humbug!!

Merriam Webster defines resolution as "a formal expression of opinion, will, or intent".   Since I've never been much of a formal person, I don't like the use of the word resolution to define New Year's intents.  When I make resolutions, they don't last much longer than the New Year's sauerkraut.  Soon they have been abandoned, even though my intentions were totally honorable.  So this year, I have decided to call them my "Hopes, Intentions, and Dreams", abbreviated HID's.  I've been thinking a lot about these HID's and have tried to come up with some that are achievable.  Here goes:
1.  Eliminate clutter from my life.  This includes food items that I bought and never used, cute little tchotchkes that just collect dust, and unnecessary emails that clog my inbox.  
2.  Adapt a more healthy lifestyle.  No, I'm not going to diet.  I've tried that route and it never works.  Instead, I will concentrate on making smarter food choices and trying out new fruits and vegetables.  I've never been a person who enjoyed exercise.  But in the coming year, I will try to find some type of physical activity that "works" for me.
3.  Make better use of my time.  This past year, I spent way too much time playing games on Facebook and on my Kindle.  I have decided to read more on the Kindle, and play less.  My life is about to change again.  I will be taking care of Izzy and Jake when Kristin returns to work on January.  It's been three years since I have taken care of a newborn, and as of Monday I will be back to changing diapers and feeding with bottles.  If I want to have some quilting time each week, I need to put my time to more constructive use.  
4.  Concentrate on the positive, push away the negative.  One of the ways that I hope to do this is by reading one of my favorite books "Simple Abundance".  The book is written in a journal form and you need only read each day's entry, which takes little time.  At a time in my life when I was very low, this book saved my life.  
5. Re evaluate my accomplishments and failures once each month.  This will hopefully keep me on track and give me the opportunity to make corrections to my route as I go.
6.  Work on or finish some projects for ME.    Daughter Mary told me yesterday that I need to stop feeling pressured to do sewing or quilting projects for everyone else.  I should just do "what I feel like doing".  What a novel idea.  Might just give it a try.

What are your HID's for the upcoming year?  Happy New Year, and I'll see you next year.

1 comment:

JustCindy said...

Good luck with your resolutions! I normally don't make resolutions because I never seems to stick with them but this year I do have a few.