Monday, June 20, 2011

But then again . . .

maybe they are.  Rod and I both had dr. appointments this morning.  His dr. was on time - mine wasn't.  As I was going back to the room, he was coming out.  He got a really good report, and doesn't have to go back for six months.  Lucky duck!

My appointment wasn't so good.  My last fasting blood sugar was 175 (way too high), and my A1C was 7.5.  It was very upsetting since I had gotten my A1C down to 5.5 at one point.  I had gained seven pounds.  I had been thinking about using the diet in the 4 Hour Body book, but decided to check it out with my dr. first.  With the diet in this book, you eat no carbs, no fruit, no dairy. That leaves only protein, veggies, and legumes.  But the weight loss is supposed to be amazing.  But with those numbers, the dr. decided to start me on Victoza to supplement my other oral meds.  Victoza is a relatively new injectable for use by Type II diabetics.  It works with your other meds to lower blood sugar and helps with weight loss.  And I received an definite and vehement NO for the other diet.  I was told that that type of diet could really mess with my numbers.  I was told that I need a well balanced diet to keep my body healthy.  And I was given some new books and charts to that end.  So, maybe it wasn't so bad.  But I know that the time for action is NOW, no more messing around.  I'll keep you posted on my progress.


JustCindy said...

Hope the diet works. I know how discouraging dieting can be. I know you want to be healthy and maybe this dr visit will help keep you motivated with the new meds and all the info.

Pat said...

I've been offline for the most part for a few days and haven't had a chance to read blogs with the limited computer time I've had. I'm sorry this has happened, but you can get control of it. I'll be thinking good thoughts and praying for you!