Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Could Last Week's Weigh-In Have Been a Fluke?

Today was weigh in day.  I was very apprehensive because last week showed such a large loss.  Could it have been a fluke?? I stuck to the program just the way I have been, but when I stepped on the scale and looked down, it showed that I had gained 2.8 pounds from last week.  I was so disappointed, could last week have been a fluke??  I don't really know.  But time marches on, and so do I.  I'm not giving up.  I'm determined that this excess weight will go away!

Last night we made Weight Watchers Macaroni and Cheese with Broccoli.  It was delicious, and the rest of the family must have thought so too, since Rod had 3 helpings!  One serving, however was 7 points, and I had a hard time finishing my serving.  Right now those points aren't a big deal, but as I lose weight I will lose points and then it could be a problem.  But in my Scarlet O'Hara mode, I won't think about that today.

Yesterday was a "cutting" day.  I cut 28 scarves.  Today is a "sewing day".  Off to sew! Have a great day.

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