Thursday, August 21, 2008

Big Game Hunt At the "Hive"

Yes, you read it right! Last night we had a big game hunt here at the "Hive". DH Rod was vacuuming the deck with the new Dyson Sweeper he won at the company picnic last Saturday, when I heard him say "You're getting a little too bold for my comfort". "Who, me?" I asked. "No, that coon", he replied. And when I looked, the cutest little coon was peeping out from under the deck. He ambled over to the pond and proceeded to get a drink just like he owned the joint. He was really friendly, and not at all shy - a trait that made us a little nervous. (Do you remember the movie, "Old Yeller"?) Well, although we have no dogs, and only the two cats, we do have the three grandkids and a coon just didn't fit into our family. He was so cute, though, and you could tell he was quite hungry. But I called DD Pam, who borrowed George's coon trap. (You remember he's DD Kris's FIL) She brought it down, set it up and then sat down to wait. Boy was he a bright little fella!!! He set the trap off twice from the outside, and then stuck his little paw in through the wire to eat the food. Pam filled the food bowl twice, while holding him at bay with the skimmer from the pond. What a brave superhero she was! Everyone knows how dangerout a skimmer is as a weapon . . . not! Finally when our wild animal could get no more food from the outside, he ventured inside. Yeah!!! But wait, the trap door didn't close. OH NO!!! So our brave huntress, Pam threw a root beer bottle at the trap.(Root beer bottles can be really scarey, you know) Door is still open. So, our superhero picked up the umongeous pipe wrench laying near the gas grill (we use it to change the gas bottle) and tossed it at the trap. You'd have thought she was in training for the olympics!!! And voila!!! the trap sprang shut, and the vicious beast was captured. Dad helped her load the trap complete with raccoon into the back of her truck and our excitement was over. Pam took him to the barn, and tonight when George gets home from work, they will take him into the woods and release him. Unfortunately, I was so fascinated with him that I didn't think to get the camera until it was too dark to take any photos. I know I'm a doofus!!

Been really busy lately. Mary had to work extra hours last week since her boss was on vacation, and that meant that I had her kids extra hours. Sewing took a back seat. I did manage to complete five blocks for DD Kristin's Christmas quilt. Will post photos hopefully this weekend. Also made some neck coolers for DD Mary and her family to use at Disney in September. They looked so simple, but keeping the water absorbent pellets inside while sewing up the seam proved to be a little bit of a challenge. In the end they look pretty good, and Mary was pleased. I have the coloring pages for Miss Izzy's first birthday quilt ready to begin, and the fabrics have been selected, so I will start it this weekend. Have a great week.


Mary said...

OMG! I can't believe there was a raccoon. You know I'd not have been the super hero! I'd have been hiding in the house!

Anonymous said...

That scares me the way wild animals are getting so brave.Glad you captured it and got it returned to his proper home.