Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Here's the poop --- my booboo's are getting better. In fact, my leg is definitely a "Steeler" leg , you know, black and gold, well yellow. My face is still a little green, but I'm on the mend. Oh, no -- don't say mend. I hate to mend!!!

What a great day -- yesterday at 2:00 pm, I finished the multitude of bandanas for the craft festival that DD Kris's vet clinic is doing. Last Tuesday, she took the fabric for MY bandanas home and cut them for me since I was busy serging for her. The kennel bandanas (my job) were delivered on Friday AM. So by taking it one step at a time, I made it through the entire pile of bandanas. And so today, I can return to the fun stuff I do - applique. I need to finish the blanket stitching on Bubby's quilt and put the top together. I hope to put it on the quilt frame this weekend.

And here's the greatest part of the post. Look on the sidebar and you'll see a countdown calendar for DisneyWorld. I had told you that with Mary's code we were able to get discounted rooms at Animal Kingdom Lodge (my dream). Last night, while reading on some of the Disboards, I found a code for a discount of airline flights. Mary checked it out, and we booked our flights at a considerable saving. She called AirTran and got all the information for taking my cart since there's a layover in Atlanta on our trip down. It's all starting to fall into place. We can't book our dining reservations until Sept. 3, so we continue to peruse the menus and plan our itinerary, so that, when that day comes, we have a definite plan for securing the restaurants we want. Disney -- here we come-- just not soon enough. Have a great week.

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