Sunday, March 16, 2008

Meet my Bubby

Let me introduce you to two of my grandkids -- Krissy age 7 and Bubby age 4-1/2. Krissy is in first grade, and quite the little lady. She is really bright, and loves to play school. Bubby couldn't have asked for a better or more loving sister. Our Bubby was born with spina bifida and as my granny would say, "could charm the stink off a skunk" with those brown eyes. Twice a year Bubby visits the Spina Bifida Clinic at Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh for his check-up. Normally I'm not worried, but this time is the exception. As the result of a brain stick by the surgeon who put his shunts in when he was a newborn, Bubby has a seizure disorder (along with some other problems). His seizures were under control for the past 18 months until last month. He has had 4 seizures in the last month, and they have increased his seizure meds, which seems to be doing the job. However, tomorrow he is scheduled for an EEG. The last time he had an EEG he ended up with an infection from the EEG leads. I'm concerned that this will happen again. Tomorrow's test will be a little different. DD Mary has to wake him tomorrow AM at 5:00 and keep him awake until his test at 11:00. I don't envy her this task. My DD is an extremely strong woman, and I do so admire her. Please if you have a few seconds in the next few hours, say a little prayer for Mary and Bubby. We know that prayer works -- that's how we still have Bubby. Thanks.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Well, the only grandkids cuter are my

Prayers being said for Mary, Bubby and all..