Saturday, April 26, 2008

Oh, What a Beautiful Morning. . .

That's what I'm singing this morning. The sun is shining, the sky is blue, there's a slight breeze, and my birds are singing so beautifully this morning. Our proerty is lined on one side with large pines and they are a perfect haven for the birds. We feed the birds - Rod keeps the feeders well stocked. Maybe they sing so well because they're so well fed. At the feeders yesterday we had the normal noisy blue jays, a young cardinal and his lady, wrens, sparrows, and those large black/dk. blue grackles. But yesterday we had a special visitor -- a red-headed woodpecker. He was a good looking dude, with shiny black eyes. We have one little guy (or girl) who sits in the top of our largest weeping willow tree and just sings his heart out. His song is the most beautiful of all, and yet he's so tiny. Do you think our Maker gives the most beautiful song to the smallest bird to keep him from going unnoticed? Is it like that with people too? After all the little children have the most wonderful laughs. We, as adults, have to smile when we hear the laughter of a small child. It's just the way it is. I love the sound of laughter. I always have felt that if I could make one person laugh once each day then I was doing something in life that truly mattered. Why not try to make someone laugh today??? Linda

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure which I love to hear more,the birds singing or a child laughing. Wonderful sounds!