Monday, June 2, 2008

What a Great Weekend!

It was sunny, warm, breezy and I spent a large part of it on the deck with my hand sewing. I got sashing put on three of the four rows on my one sampler quilt. Saturday AM was a shopping excursion to Walmart. We bought some herb plants, some tomato plants, a new pump and filter for the pond and, of course, groceries. A hurried trip home to put away the groceries, and we were off again, to the greenhouse this time. We finished up buying the herbs and tomatoes, and then onto Trader Horn (Rod says it's the best store in the world) for some garden soil and play sand. Mary called and invited us to her house for a picnic, so we sort of putzed until time to leave. Rod got the herbs planted, got a bed prepared for the tomatoes, and some zucchini seeds. Dinner was great --Mary makes the best burgers, and Kristin and Izzy came for dinner also. Kristin's arrival was just ahead of a cloudburst, but the rain didn't dampen our spirits.

Sunday was a work day for some, a sewing day for me. Rod got the new pump and filter hooked up - he no longer has to get into the pond to clean the filter. We watched Krissy and Bubby while Mary spent 6 hours at the ball field watching Jimmy's softball games. Rod and the kids weeded the grapes while Pat and Pam mowed the yard. On Saturday, I bought a boneless pork loin roast to do on the grill on Sunday - something I've never tried before. I cut it in half lengthwise so it wouldn't be so thick and then marinaded it for about 6 hours. I did honey roasted potatoes and green beans on the grill in aluminum foil pans, and of course the pork. It was delicious. I also grilled some fresh pineapple slices. Here's the marinade recipe:

Simple Pork Marinade

1/2 cup pineapple juice
1/2 cup light soy sauce
1/2 cup light brown sugar

Mix together in a zip top bag, add pork and marinade for at least 4 hours.

Sunday evening after everyone left, we managed to get the house cleaned and Rod scrubbed the floors. So now my little bare feet don't stick to the floors. It's supposed to get really hot toward the end of the week, so Rod and Jimmy got the air conditioners put in yesterday also. I love weekends like this -- a little family, a lot of good food, a lot accomplished, and some great relaxation on the deck. Oh, yeah!! I'm spoiled!!! See you tomorrow. Linda

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